Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Orpheus: Jacket Fitting. 27/4/2016

As Andy wasn't able to attend this meeting, I used Jordan to fit the jackets I've sourced as according to the Performing Arts students, the character of Orpheus (Jordan) could also potentially be styled in a Ring Leader fashion. Why this is, I'm not entirely sure as the context they passed on to me was a little unclear. However, what I gathered the general idea was is that Hades has the best of everything, so therefore would wear the more intricate and ornamental clothing. On the other hand, Orpheus has the Ring Leader persona, but isn't as polished or wealthy as Hades, so his costume designs would be a lot simpler.
There are obviously a few pieces of missing information here that would be useful to know, so I will try to communicate with the students to get a definite answer.

The jackets that I tried on had a good fit on this actor though. The general consensus was that the military styled jacket in the middle images was a favourite. If this is used then a few repairs will need to be made to it first though. The red tail coat in the top set of images has the most traditional 'Ring Leader' design to it, but it was requested that embellishments could be applied. As the jacket is sourced and doesn't belong to us I'm not sure how much embellishing could be done, and this could potentially detract from Orpheus having a simpler design if ornamentation's are applied over it. This will need to be cleared up and decided in a conversation with the acting students. 

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