Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Large Maquette: Inner Support Structure

Using the measurements from the previous drafts of this structure (90cmHx80cmW) I began to piece together the framework.
1) I started with the base materials and cutting these all to the correct shape and size. The pole was attached to the flooring piece using a hand-drill to make holes in the bottom of both pieces. I then dabbed wood glue to each section, allowed to dry slightly then screwed together for a more secure hold.

2) I added the supports after this, simply using wood glue to keep them in place after figuring out the sizing for these triangular pieces.

3) Once these were secure, I screwed them all in place using a hand-drill; The screws went all the way through into the central wooden pole so the whole thing was secure and strong. This construction would now be strong enough and the correct shape to support the wire and materials I'll be layering up on it later. Everything was finished off with hot glue and wood glue in the more delicate or susceptible places.

It was only in retrospect that I decided that a third, bigger triangular support should be added to the pole after finishing the two smaller ones. Having that reinforcement from behind means that the pole is a lot less likely to fall, adds to the strength of this skeleton, and also stops it from being as wobbly in general; before it could still potentially be snapped forwards or backwards as opposed to it being secured in place now.

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