Thursday, 12 February 2015

Digital Art; Life Drawing, Pears.

In order to get a better understanding of digital art, we had a class on life drawing. This helped with both getting to grips with different elements of Photoshop, and also allowed me to look into techniques of shadows and highlights. Above is the original image I started from.

 By switching into a black and white filter, I was able to pick out shadows and different tones through the image a lot more accurately than when it was colour.

Finished drawing: As a first piece of life drawing I'm pleased with how it came out. I think the shapes and colouring where the aspects that turned out best, but I should have looked deeper into the composition of the original photo, as the pears don't quite line up in the same way. Overall though, I'm happy with the drawing, and  I can see where I need to improve in the future.

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