Thursday 24 November 2016

Caricatures and Real World Inspiration.

Developing the narrative for the Hoopoe and his characteristics further, I likened him to a 'certain political figure' after understanding his power hungry attitude. Looking into caricatures helps to understand that central features of someones face which are always heavily exaggerated depending on their personality. For example, here it's often Trumps hair and mouth; his hair being a signature feature that is often poked fun at, and his mouth represents him being an outspoken and loud individual. These kind of traits could be transferable to my own characters, and is a design idea to keep in mind when creating extremes or characters that represent someone or something.

The Hoopoe himself I've written to be quite contradictory in both himself and hopefully how the viewer sees him; I'd like to showcase him as being greedy and selfish and have the viewers become frustrated and shocked at him turning on Yool and Ty after initially befriending them. On the other hand, he's a downtrodden mess that (rightfully) lost his power and human status, so even though he's a horrible creature, you can't help but feel sorry for him too. He's a character easy to make fun of, and although very headstrong and ambitious in his hunt for power, he's still extremely sensitive to comments on his dwindling appearance.

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