Tuesday 15 November 2016

Rhino Continued: Polar Array and Notes.

Another type of Array that can be used is 'Polar Array'; replicas that create small circle. It would be easy to make these orbit something, as the angle and placement is up to you too.

Notes and tips from the class are as follows:

1) Double click a viewpoint title, e.g. 'Perspective' or 'Front' to full screen that viewpoint specifically.

2) When in 'Perspective', Shift+Drag to pan.

3) When placing a new object, type 0,0 in the command bar after it's text command.

4) Holding Shift when placing a line will snap it to horizontal or vertical axis.

5) The command bar will tell you what to do next, e.g. Press enter to confirm etc.

6) The Copy Command: Copies and pastes the same shape infinite times/ as many times as you click.

7) You can use spacebar or right click as well as the enter button to confirm an action.

8) Dragging from right to left creates a 'crossing window' and it selects anything it touches.

9) Dragging from left to right is a selection window and it only selects things it covers completely.

10) Ctrl+A = Select All.

11) Gumball mode: Move, scale and rotate around the axis points, highlighted in green, red, and blue.

12) Pink lined shapes: This means that this form is only a preview, showing you what it might look like without fully rendering it.

13) Shell tool: Selects a face to remove.

14) Extrude Planar Curve: Turns 2D face into a solid 3D shape.

15) Boolean Union: Merges two shapes together to create one.

16) Boolean Difference: Trims shapes that are overlapping one another.

17) Split: Splits up overlapping shapes into separate pieces.

18) Join: Connects two shapes to form a single object.

19) The phrase 'watertight' refers to a modeled object that has no holes, no gaps, and is in an acceptable state to be 3D printed. When checking whether a shape is watertight or not, type 'What' into the command bar, then check for the phrases 'valid polysurface' and 'closed polysurface' to know it's suitable to be printed.

20) Explode: Breaks full objects down into separate components.

21) If you go Solid > Cap Planar Holes, these actions will cap an item and make it complete/ it fills any holes that may be there.

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