Thursday 27 October 2016

Owl Concept 1; Initial Doodling

After beginning to research aesthetics and character design within animation, stop motion and music videos I decided to begin doodling out a few characters of my own. I began with owls, as they one of my favourite kind of bird mentioned within the text. This concept has no real solid research behind it, and started as a sketch from my head of the kind of character I'd like to develop. Obviously this design is quite humanoid; wearing human clothes, with elongated proportions, but I think she's quite a cute character.

I'm happy with this as an initial design, but later on I would definitely want the design to reflect the text more. This was basically a warm up concept to gather an idea I thought was quite fun, as well as get back into the swing of Photoshop.
As this is centrally a design and prototyping project, getting back into practicing concept art should be one of my goals for the research and development part of this assignment.

On reflection I should also change the document size next time, so as to avoid the image coming out as pixely before I start drawing!


  1. Also look at the surrealist artist Dorothea Tanning - her drawings are amazing :)

    1. I will do, thank you! :D I'll pop it on the list for a little bit of artist research!
